A remote controller is equipped to allow parents to take over the control if the baby is too young to drive this aeroplane alone. Moreover, the airfoils with button lock hinges could be folded to saving storing space while the screw propeller will rotate powered by wind. The battery indication reminds you of when to recharge.


The Chipmunk is a member of the family Mammalia, Rodentia and Sciuridae. It is also known as the Striped Squirrel, the Timber Tiger and the Mini-bear. The body length among most Chipmunks ranges from 5.5 to 6.3 inches and the tail length is 5 Inches. Chipmunks typically weigh about 0.02 pounds and live about 5 to 10 years. They have small but prominent ears which face forwards, and small eyes on the sides of their heads. Most wild Chipmunks are lively.
RANGE AND HABITAT Siberian Chipmunks live in the forested areas of northeastern Europe and northern Asia. They can also be found southward to northeastern China, northern China, Shaanxi and southern Gansu and northern Sichuan. The Eastern Chipmunks live in the United States and eastern Canada and the rest of the species live in the rest of North America. Chipmunks can be found in plains, hills, mountain coniferous forests, broad-leaved forests, mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests and areas with dense shrubs, too. They generally live in forest areas, scrublands and farming areas with many low mountains and hills or take advantage of terraced ridges and natural stone crevices to live in.
DIET Chipmunks have two elastic pouches inside their cheeks. In autumn, they will go around to collect pine cones, take pine nuts out and stuff them into cheek pouches one by one. Chipmunks can be kept, and if they are raised from a young age, they will be very close to their owners and can also be docile to play in the palm. They are omnivorous and will eat almost anything, but their staple food is a variety of nuts. They can’t eat spicy (irritant) food such as chill peppers, green peppers, onions, garlic, ginger and leeks, and special attention should be paid when raising them.
BEHAVIOR Chipmunks are diurnal animals. Every spring and summer is the breeding period for Chipmunks. In winter, they will hibernate. If they are raised in a warm room, the chance of hibernation will be reduced, but can not be completely avoided. If you keep a Chipmunk, you need to take good care of it. If it is found hibernating, wake it up and feed it. Some Chipmunks will really die after a long hibernation. Take care to keep your little squirrel, which is less than two months old, warm until early June, especially in the north. Chipmunks are more likely to catch a cold because of the low temperature. Owners should add more bedding materials at night, change them in the morning, and pay attention to air circulation during the day. After the end of June, you need to take care of the heatstroke prevention of the Chipmunks because heatstroke can be fatal to them.


Merlins are small but fierce falcons from the Northern Hemisphere. They are swift fliers and skilled hunters and have for centuries been well regarded as a falconry bird. The male merlin has a blue-grey back, ranging from almost black to silver-grey in different subspecies. Its underparts are buff- to orange-tinted and more or less heavily streaked with black to reddish-brown. The female and immature are brownish-grey to dark brown above, and a whitish buff spotted with brown below. The eye and beak are dark, the latter with a yellow cere. The feet are also yellow, with black claws.


Merlins are found throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Most of the populations are migratory, wintering in warmer regions. Northern European birds move to southern Europe and North Africa, and North American populations to the southern United States and to northern South America. Merlins inhabit fairly open country, such as willow or birch scrub, shrubland, but also taiga forests, parks, grasslands such as steppe and prairies, sand dunes, deserts, or moorland. In general, they prefer a mix of low and medium-height vegetation with some trees and avoid dense forests as well as treeless arid regions.


Merlins are carnivores and specialize in preying on small birds including sparrows, quail, larks, or pipits. Larger birds and other animals such as insects (especially dragonflies and moths), small mammals like bats and voles, and reptiles complement their diet as well.


Habits and Lifestyle

Merlins usually lead a solitary life outside of the breeding season. However, in the winter they may roost communally or sometimes migrate in loose groups. They start migrating to the breeding grounds in late February. Migration to winter quarters, at least in Eurasia, peaks in August/September. Merlins are diurnal hunters and rely on speed and agility to hunt their prey. They often hunt by flying fast and low, typically less than 1 m (3.3 ft) above the ground, using trees and large shrubs to take prey by surprise. But they actually capture most prey in the air, and will “tail-chase” startled birds. Breeding pairs will frequently hunt cooperatively, with one bird flushing the prey toward its mate. Merlins communicate vocally and are usually noisy near the nest and during the displays. When alarmed birds produce “kikiki” or “kekeke” shrills.

Mating Habits

Merlins are serially monogamous and pairs form for one season only. Their breeding season occurs typically in May-June and during this time birds perform aerial courtship displays. Merlins do not build nests but mainly use abandoned crow or hawk nests which are located in conifer or mixed tree stands. In moorland-particularly in the UK- females usually make a shallow scrape in dense heather to use as a nest. Others nest in crevices on cliff-faces and on the ground, and some may even use buildings. The female lays 3 to 6 (usually 4 or 5) rusty brown eggs. She incubates them within 28 to 32 days while the male hunts to feed the family. Hatchlings weigh about 13 g (0.46 oz) and fledge after another 30 days or so. They are dependent on their parents for up to 4 more weeks. Sometimes first-year merlins (especially males) will serve as a “nest helper” for an adult pair. Merlins become reproductively mature at one year of age and usually attempt to breed right away.

The Chipmunk is a member of the family Mammalia, Rodentia and Sciuridae. It is also known as the Striped Squirrel, the Timber Tiger and the Mini-bear. The body length among most Chipmunks ranges from 5.5 to 6.3 inches and the tail length is 5 inches. Chipmunks typically weigh about 0.02 pounds and live about 5 to 10 years. They have small but prominent ears which face forwards, small eyes on the sides of their heads. Most wild Chipmunks are lively.

Country Diary: the Thrilling, Terrifying Flight of the Merlin

Holkham, Norfolk: They may be small, but merlins are the most exciting of Britain’s falcons.

‘What I realised most forcibly was how the energy generated in me by this creature must mirror a surge of terror in its prey.’

From nowhere a female merlin coursed along the tide and swung over the curlews and gulls gathered there, which stared skywards as one, but hunkered still. The falcon then turned and fled as a receding dark teardrop of energy. It had somehow aligned this going within the boundary of shore and shallows, so that it was nigh impossible to follow through all the backlit foam. Within five or maybe 10 seconds, it had vanished into salt air.

The sighting was exceptional because I’ve never seen Britain’s smallest raptor hunting at the sea edge. It was absolutely typical for its brevity and speed, and only with hindsight could I unpick what had happened. The merlin had swept in, checked with near-instantaneous clarity that all the birds gathered by the shore were too big for its powers and sped off for smaller shoreline dwellers-the ringed plovers, dunlins and sanderlings – that were elsewhere on the beach.

Small size suggests perhaps that merlins lack drama. It is true that among Britain’s falcons, peregrines are grander, more theatrical; hobbies are most elastic and manoeuvrable; hovering kestrels create their magical stillness; but merlins are the most exciting. The flight is invariably low and hard, and some of the joy of the bird is your being able to fix its identity – the short, pointed wings, short tail, dark colour – in the brief moment you have it in view.

What I realised most forcibly was how the energy generated in me by this creature must mirror a surge of terror in its prey. Yet I contrasted my position with theirs. I was swathed against the northerlies and in 20 minutes we’d be taking tea and cake in a hotel. We would cut our route home with car headlights and the door would open to electricity and the sounds of central heating.

Somewhere further along this beach were the small waders that merlins love to catch, and they had no defence but the vigilance of the flock and the acidic chemistry of their fear. I imagined the moment they most dread, those black eyes growing as they come close, then that yellow thicket of talons around the hammering heart.

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