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The North African Lion, also called the Barbary lion, Berber lion, Atlas lion, and Egyptian lion, is an extinct population of the lion subspecies Panthera leo leo. The North African Lion is distinguished from other felines by the prominent mane on the males, which serves to protect their necks during fights. Another notable feature is the horn-like protrusions on the end of their tail. Lions are also the only members of the feline family capable of emitting a true roar, which can be heard up to eight or nine kilometers away.


Historical sighting and hunting records from the 19th and 20th centuries show that the Barbary lion inhabited Mediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrub. The westernmost sighting of a Barbary lion reportedly occurred in the Anti-Atlas in western Morocco. It ranged from the Atlas Mountains and the Rif in Morocco, the Ksour and Amour Ranges in Algeria to the Aurès Mountains in Tunisia. In Algeria, the Barbary lion was sighted in the forested hills and mountains between Ouarsenis in the west to the Chelif River plains in the north and the Pic de Taza in the east. It inhabited the forests and wooded hills of the Constantine Province southward into the Aurès Mountains.


The North African Lion has exceptional eyesight and can spot prey from a great distance, making group hunting a highly efficient and speedy process. When Barbary stag (Cervus elaphus barbarus) and gazelles became scarce in the Atlas Mountains, lions preyed on herds of livestock that were carefully tended. They also preyed on wild boar (Sus scrofa).


In the early 20th century, when Barbary lions were rare, they were sighted in pairs or in small family groups comprising a male and female lion with one or two cubs. Between 1839 and 1942, sightings of wild lions involved solitary animals, pairs and family units. Analysis of these sightings indicate that lions retained living in a pack even when under increasing persecution, particularly in the eastern Maghreb. The size of prides was likely similar to prides living in sub-Saharan habitats, whereas the density of the Barbary lion population is considered to have been lower than in moister habitats.

Barbary Lion Reintroduction in North Africa is Possible but Needs Long-Term Plans

The Barbary Lion used to be found in north Africa, in the region stretching from Morocco in the west to Egypt in the east. This subspecies of lion was well known in antiquity when it was used in amphitheatres throughout the Roman Empire, mostly being killed for sport. It was hunted to extinction in the wild in the mid 20th century. Today, only a few individuals which descend from these lions, survive in captivity, mostly in zoos. Down To Earth spoke to Simon Black, lecturer in conservation science at Durrell Institute of Conservation & Ecology, School of Anthropology & Conservation, University of Kent, United Kingdom, about whether it would be possible to reintroduce these lions in their former habitat in the Atlas Mountains and the Libyan and Egyptian Deserts. Edited excerpts: RG: Can they ever be reintroduced back into the wild? Or is that nearly impossible now with their historic range all gone? SB: Some existing large tracts of land in north Africa would be suitable for reintroduction, but considerable effort would be needed to restore sustainable levels of wild prey species (deer, boar, barbary sheep and gazelle), most of which are endangered species themselves.Also protective measures to avoid human-lion conflict, including livestock predation would need to be implemented.Reintroduction is theoretically possible but would need a sensitive long-term plan and considerable prior political and community support. Reintroduction of a predator like lions would have to be part of purposeful, wider landscape restoration in the region.
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