Kids on the single plastic seat (1 safety belt) can easily operate the electric 4-wheeler forward/backward by the soft-start button, functional steering wheel, and foot pedal. Parents can also handle the vehicle with 2.4G RC (3 speeds) for interaction and safety.


The Chipmunk is a member of the family Mammalia, Rodentia and Sciuridae. It is also known as the Striped Squirrel, the Timber Tiger and the Mini-bear. The body length among most Chipmunks ranges from 5.5 to 6.3 inches and the tail length is 5 Inches. Chipmunks typically weigh about 0.02 pounds and live about 5 to 10 years. They have small but prominent ears which face forwards, and small eyes on the sides of their heads. Most wild Chipmunks are lively.
RANGE AND HABITAT Siberian Chipmunks live in the forested areas of northeastern Europe and northern Asia. They can also be found southward to northeastern China, northern China, Shaanxi and southern Gansu and northern Sichuan. The Eastern Chipmunks live in the United States and eastern Canada and the rest of the species live in the rest of North America. Chipmunks can be found in plains, hills, mountain coniferous forests, broad-leaved forests, mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests and areas with dense shrubs, too. They generally live in forest areas, scrublands and farming areas with many low mountains and hills or take advantage of terraced ridges and natural stone crevices to live in.
DIET Chipmunks have two elastic pouches inside their cheeks. In autumn, they will go around to collect pine cones, take pine nuts out and stuff them into cheek pouches one by one. Chipmunks can be kept, and if they are raised from a young age, they will be very close to their owners and can also be docile to play in the palm. They are omnivorous and will eat almost anything, but their staple food is a variety of nuts. They can’t eat spicy (irritant) food such as chill peppers, green peppers, onions, garlic, ginger and leeks, and special attention should be paid when raising them.
BEHAVIOR Chipmunks are diurnal animals. Every spring and summer is the breeding period for Chipmunks. In winter, they will hibernate. If they are raised in a warm room, the chance of hibernation will be reduced, but can not be completely avoided. If you keep a Chipmunk, you need to take good care of it. If it is found hibernating, wake it up and feed it. Some Chipmunks will really die after a long hibernation. Take care to keep your little squirrel, which is less than two months old, warm until early June, especially in the north. Chipmunks are more likely to catch a cold because of the low temperature. Owners should add more bedding materials at night, change them in the morning, and pay attention to air circulation during the day. After the end of June, you need to take care of the heatstroke prevention of the Chipmunks because heatstroke can be fatal to them.


The Transvolcanic Jay is a medium-large (approx. 0.26 lbs) passerine bird similar in size to most other jays, with a blue head, blue-gray mantle, blue wings and tail, and gray breast and underparts. The sexes are morphologically similar, and juveniles differ only in having less blue coloration. The iris is brown, and the legs are black. It is most readily distinguished by the plain throat and breast, and the mantle contrasting less with the head and wings.


The Transvolcanic Jay is a bird endemic to Mexico. It inhabits subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, subtropical or tropical moist montane forests, and dry sparse scrub at altitudes between 4000 and 8000 ft.


The Transvolcanic Jay is an omnivore. Animal food includes insects, spiders, snails, small vertebrates, and the eggs and young of birds. Plant foods include fruits, nuts, and grains such as cherries, plums, pears, figs, grapes, pine nuts, acorns, almonds, and pecans.


Habits and Lifestyle

The Transvolcanic Jay is a slow flyer, but is quite agile on the ground, hopping with long legs. Nests are usually built in trees on hillsides or in the lower parts of low shrubs with streams. The Transvolcanic Jay generally doesn’t flock and behaves in a similar manner to other jays. They can fly in continuous lines to obtain food sources.

Mating Habits

The spawning season runs from early March to June, with April being the peak breeding month. Usually four to six eggs are laid in a single nest. Incubation lasts about 16 days, and the young leave the nest at about 18 days.

The Chipmunk is a member of the family Mammalia, Rodentia and Sciuridae. It is also known as the Striped Squirrel, the Timber Tiger and the Mini-bear. The body length among most Chipmunks ranges from 5.5 to 6.3 inches and the tail length is 5 inches. Chipmunks typically weigh about 0.02 pounds and live about 5 to 10 years. They have small but prominent ears which face forwards, small eyes on the sides of their heads. Most wild Chipmunks are lively.

Return of the Scrub Jays (Who Never Left!)

Shhhh. This is kind of a secret. I almost never tell anyone this. I think only one or two of my neighbors know. But I’m sure you won’t tell. I’m rather bonded to a group of scrubjays. I think it’s dreadful that scrubjays don’t have the word “blue” in their name, don’t you? So maybe I could say I’m bonded to a family of blue scrubjays. There. That would make me feel a lot better. They need to be fully honored. I’m quite close to them, as they would tell you.


It all started three years ago, and, in fact, my very first post on Plant Whatever Brings You Joy was about these very birds, so some of you might actually recall that that first year I came here they (blessedly) built a nest just outside my kitchen window, which my daughter noticed and brought to my attention. One of the things I never mentioned, that in retrospect was one of the very most endearing things that happened that year, was that one of the parents came back after the babies were fully fledged and cleaned out the nest. How dear is that?

The next year for some divine reason I was standing at that very kitchen window when a pair of them returned and I could actually see that one was animatedly showing the other the old nest and was picking at it, clearly attempting a good sales job on where they might start another family. The idea, I learned, was rejected, and I noticed instead that they wisely chose a thicker tree in the back yard which provided not only better protection in terms of the nest not being as readily seen by predators (think meow–but not Maine Coon or Siamese meow, oh, NO!) but also meant that fledgling babies landing on the ground prior to learning to fly would most likely land on this side of the fence, not in the alley. No guarantee, mind you, but much more likely. And there are so many places to hide once in the back yard! The first year, much to my horror, while the babies fledged on this side of the fence, they were immediately exposed to the front street, as they did not have the safety of the big back yard. Indeed, I came out and found a young woman excitedly talking on her cell to a friend, “You won’t believe what I found! There’s a baby bird on the sidewalk!” Enter at rapid speed your trusty blogger, scoop up baby in hands and rush him back to the side of the house. Put up puppy fencing and cover with blankets and hope for the best. Oh, it was hysteria, let me tell you.

So last year it was SOOO much better. I only saw one bright-eyed baby on the ground. Oh, the innocence was enough to take your breath away. And did. And I ran in the house for my camera but he was instantly gone. I can only hope that had a happy ending.

And that brings us to May 2008. I knew they’d chosen that same thick tree. And, oh, dear readers, I have to confess and apologize that in spite of my best efforts, you will have to apply your own imaginations as my photos of this event are, well, lacking. Yes, they are. However with the slightest efforts of your most creative minds, you will follow along and get the picture, so to speak. Right? I thought so. Thank you for your forbearance.

So here is the tree they chose for the nest the last two years:

I don’t even think it is a tree, do you? I think it’s a bush gone wild. Does anyone know what it is?

Anyway, believe it or not, in March I saw a blue scrubjay in the nest outside the kitchen window with a mate in tow, trying the sales job again, and again the wisdom of the second mate won out for the second time. Whew! In fact the nest was so hidden this time I missed almost all of the activity until suddenly I heard the unmistakable sound of fledglings begging for food back in the quince bushes way in the back of the garden. Animal alert. The doggies were clearly informed that the scrubjays reigned for at least a week and all their outdoor activities were going to have to be monitored closely until I knew the babies had their wings developed. I alerted the neighbors to please watch their Jack Russell terriers and their cats. They respectfully agreed. (They are getting used to my ways at last.)

Imagine my horror when I caught a grey squirrel trying his best to eat one of the babies! A mama jay was squawking loudly, rushing at him, warning him to stay away. I engaged Conner to bark at the squirrel, who happily obliged and after being harrassed for a couple of loud and harrowing minutes by an angry mother jay, an alarmed blonde and an obliging Border Collie he finally surrendered and left the scene.

It’s tough being a fledgling, I’ll tell you.

Next day I found one of them back in the fig tree looking stronger than I might have expected. I watched, enchanted. One of the parents spotted me and half heartedly sounded an alarm, but these birds know me well and trust me and her alarms were soon interrupted by a stash of ants she found climbing a branch, which she began to nibble, only to sound a call once or twice just to keep me on my toes that she was watching. Yes, I know. I watched the baby for awhile, comforting myself that flying looked intact.

In the days that followed I found two in the fig tree and simultaneously heard a third being fed in the tree that holds their old nest. Three babies is a good thing. This very much warmed my heart.

Knowing that the parents have so many mouths to feed I resumed putting peanuts on the sidewalk next to the camelia tree where they had their original nest. It’s Our Spot, and they know it. If I whistle for them (we have a special call) they land on the fence to see if there are peanuts. I did this yesterday, and sure enough, both parents came almost immediately. They will teach their offspring about this little feeding ground and the cycle of life and love will continue.

Love and garden blessings,

Kathryn xox

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